Day by Day cartoon

Friday, January 05, 2007

I'm not at work today-

and I'm not skiing, as I should be, since there's a foot or more of new powder snow on the mountain.

I'm also not having as much fun as friend Carol who is off to sunny warm climes after finally getting through the ordeal of house building, buying and moving.

I am working on a resume to be completed before the day is over for possible government service, doing what I'm already doing as a contractor.

And, I'm still sick with a head cold I blame on Terry at Possumblog. This stupid head cold has stuck around ever since the weekend I spent on the couch with the flu before Christmas. I'm taking antihistamines, MucinexD right now and today, I almost feel ok. Yesterday was miserable with uncontrollable sneezing and barely controllable coughing.

So I'm not skiing until tomorrow. Today I'm staying inside and trying to rest a bit. And finishing the KSAs.

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